Instruction Authors

Instructions for contributors to the Journal of Mycopathological Research

1. Scope of the Journal

Journal of Mycopathological Research is an international journal open to contributions of merit dealing with all aspects of basic and experimental mycology, plant pathology, virology, bacteriology and other allied disciplines. Each manuscript submitted to Journal of Mycopathological Research must be an original research report that has not been submitted published elsewhere either as a part or full.

Two types of manusscripts can be submitted to Journal of Mycopathological Research for publIcation : full-length articles and short communications.

Full Length Articles: Manuscripts should be of a length of 3-10 pages (A-4 size) generally and the length of the paper should be consistent with the extent and scope of the data presented in the manuscripts.

Short Communications: Manuscripts should not be more than 3 pages (A-4 size) in length and it must represent either a preliminary report or a complete data of an important research contribution.

Besides these two types of manuscripts, the Editor may consider for publication of review articles on any of the above disciplines.

2. Submission of Manuscript

Authors should submit their articles to the Journal of Mycopathological Research online to facilitate quicker and more efficient processing. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing time and shortens overall publication time.

For online submission of manuscript please log in directly to the site and upload your manuscript following on screen instructions. In case of problems during the submission process please contact us through email (

3. Preparation of Manuscript

Submit manuscript prepared in the following order and numbering all pages consecutively :

  • Page 1: Name, address, telephone, e-mail and fax number of author to whom all correspondence should be sent.
  • Page 2: Title of article, author(s), full name (s) institution address (es) with pin code.
  • Page 3: Abstract and Key words.
  • Page 4: Page 4 and subsequent pages : Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement and References.
  • Figure caption and legends.
  • Table with brief and concise titles and legends.
  • Original figures.

4. Format

  • Title: The title should clearly indicate the important aspects of the article and preferably in not more lthan 100 characters and space.
  • Abstract:Limit abstract to one paragraph of 200 words.

  • Key Words: List in alphabetic order the words or phrase that are not in the title and abstract.
  • Introduction:Give a concise account of the previous works done indicating clearly the importance of the works tackled in the present case. Point out clearly the existing problems and mention whether all the problems have been tackled or not. If not the reasons may also be stated.
  • Text:After the introductory statement the rest of the material should be presented in Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, and References. Further subheading may be used, if very much necessary, but excessive fragmentation of the text should always be avoided.
    In measurement SI units should be used. Numericals should be used before standard units of measurement.
    Commonly used symbols and abbreviations should be used.
    Latin binomials should be underlined and include citation of authors in all cases at the first introduction in the text.
    In all cases, indicate the source of cultures and mention the designation of cultures obtained from or deposited in a recognised collection centres, national or international. In all cases the voucher culture or specimen(s) should be deposited in a national or international collection centre and to mention the same in the text with the deposit number of the said institute.
    The term cultivar should be mentioned for agronomic and horticultural verieties of the crop and the complete source of the cultivar should be clearly mentioned in the text.
    All the experimental results should be presented with statistical analysis. The statistical methods should be described in detail.
  • Figures and Photographs: Each figure should be drawn on a art paper measuring 17.5 cm x 12.5 cm and labelled with the figure number , author's name and title of the paper, Captions should be clearly described so that the figure is intelligible individually. Photographs are to be pasted neatly on board paper within the area of 17.5 cm x 12.5 cm and labelled.
  • Tables: The title and legends of the tables should be self-explanatory so that each table is intelligible.
  • References:References should be given in alphabetical order of the surname of the author. Name of the journal, books, monograh and thesis should be underlined. Volume number to be double underlined and starting and ending page numbers are to be given.
    Jadaik, CV.L. and Kapoor, J.N. 1975, Cultural studied on some edible fungi. Ind. Jour. Mushroom.. 1, 23-29

5. Copyright

Authors submitting a manuscript for publication in the Journal of Mycopathological Research do so on the condition that,if it is accepted for publication, copyright in the article shall be assigned exclusively to the Publisher including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media.

The Publisher will not impose any restriction on the author for using the published article for his/ her own personal uses.

6. Offprints

Because of the high cost of publishing, no offprints are given to author. However, offprints will be made available on payment of extra charges and the same must be informed to the Editor during returning the galley proof along with the charges in demand draft.

7. Review of Manuscripts

Each manuscript will be reviewed by two independent referees. Each referee will send his specific recommendations to the Editor of journal . If there is disagreement in the recommendation of the refrees, the Editor may send the paper to third referee. Finally, the Editor is responsible for judging the suitability of manuscripts for publication in journal.

  • Submit the revised manuscript online : Please upload corrected manuscript point-by-point to the comments made by the refrees/reviewers/Editor along with the original manuscript.
  • After receiving the revised manuscript : Acceptance of the article will be sent with processing charge. Processing charge must be paid within 15 days of receiving acceptance, otherwise publication will be delayed.

Symbols and abbreviations commonly used in Journal of Mycopathological Research

Prefixes to the Units
of Volume names of units
Units of time
Kilo (101) K second sec
Deca (102) D hour hr
Mega (106) M day day
Giga (109) G month month
Tera (1012) T year yr
deci (10-1) d    
centi (10-2) c Units of concentration
mili (10-3) m molar M
micro (10-6) u millimolar mM
nano (10-9) n micromolar uM
pico (10-12) p    
femto (10-15) f Units of length
atto (10-18) a meter m
liter l centimeter cm
milliliter ml millimeter mm
microlitre ul micrometer um
Units of mass nanometer nm
Kilogram kg Angstrom (0.1) Ao
gram g    
milligram mg Units of temperature
microgram ug Kelvin K
    Celsius 0C